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Board of Directors
Board of Directors
B is for Books
A Free Bookstore for Children
In February 2024, Reading Ready Pittsburgh opened an absolutely, 100% free bookstore for children and their families. The idea is simple: we believe that every child and their family should have easy access to high quality reading material with as few barriers as possible.
This bookstore also doubles as a resource for early childhood educators. If you are an educator in need of a fresh set of books for your classroom and are able to pick them up from our bookstore location, you may request them below.

How Does It Work?
Some things to do around the store if you are...
An educator
Meet with our librarian to choose the right books for your classroom
Learn about our circle and story time events
Ask us about professional development opportunities
A caregiver
Take home three free books to add to your family library
Read a book in our nook with your little one
Ask the staff about our early literacy programs
A kid
Take a look around the store, the games, and the nook
Grab three books to take home and keep
Read in the nook or play with the games
Donation Policy
Reading Ready Pittsburgh will gladly take your new and gently used children's books to give away in our bookstore!
It doesn't matter if it's one book or one thousand books, we will take them as long as they are in acceptable condition; not offensive in their language or depictions of people or cultures; and geared towards kids birth to 18.
Please click here to start the donation process.
Questions about donating? Click here to email Kathy!
Request Books
If you are an educator or organization that works with children (e.g. social worker, doctor, community center) who operates in Allegheny County, you may request a variety of gently loved books spanning all ages and genres from the store. At this moment you must make arrangements to pick them up from our storefront at 222 East 8th Avenue, Homestead, PA 15120. Click here to fill out the form, and our librarian will be in contact with you shortly.
Please note that these books are from the store itself
and may vary depending on what we currently have in stock.
Location and Hours
9 am - 3 pm
12 pm - 3 pm
9 am - 6 pm
12 pm - 3 pm
10 am - 2 pm