Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Early Literacy Community Council
Reading Ready Pittsburgh knows that we are stronger together. That's why we're bringing together community members who are passionate about early literacy to create a literacy dream world.

The Early Literacy Council is guided by its mission of working to develop a strong early literacy foundation for families in the Mon Valley and to foster a literary community where everyone can succeed. The Early LIteracy Community Council is comprised of parents, community members, librarians, and other professionals who want to make an impact on early literacy in the Mon Valley.
Together, we’ve determined four priorities:
Increasing access to books
Providing parent support around early literacy
Developing creative partnerships and collaborations
Communicating the benefits of literacy for babies and small children
Chardae Jones
Lynn Kawaratana
Danielle Daye
Stephanie McGuigan
Chary Lyons
Markeya Lawry
Holly Cherpak
DaMarra Underwood
Gigi Stephans
Mary Denison
Michele Charmello
Megan Chips
Kathy Koltas
Kate Colucciok
Carl Lewis
Kennethia Harris
Hannah Zibert
Mark Sepe
Jawanna Warren
Valerie Williams
Daye Campbell
Joelisa McDonald
Contact Mary at mary@readingreadypittsburgh.org for more information. ​